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Creativity is an over arching element to the delivery of the curriculum as a whole; there are no boundaries between subjects! The process involves both learning in and through the arts. It is this that we foster and develop in our teaching and learning. Mrs Wood is the subject Leader for Art and Design

Children’s understanding and enjoyment of Art and Design is developed through 2 and 3 dimensional activities that bring together requirements from both the Investigating and Making and the Knowledge and Understanding elements of the National Curriculum Programme of Study. A variety of skills are taught in what forms an integral and often cross-curricular part of our work. Children’s work can be seen on display in many parts of the School throughout the year.

In the Foundation Stage, the arts are incorporated into Creative Development. Children are given the opportunity to explore colour, texture and shape through drawing, painting and model making. In Key Stage One, children develop specific skills in Art and Design, including how to use tools and equipment to use a variety of media and styles as a means of expression. Children learn about famous artists and styles, relating to their termly theme, and are taught to appreciate originality and imagination in their own and other’s work. All children have their work displayed to celebrate their achievements.

We achieved the Silver Art's mark Award in May 2023 which we are very proud of. 



The Blitz Inspired Art colour fading and silhouette’s

Gallery rebels- Lowry

Observational Drawing- line, tone, shape and texture

Line, tone and shading

Portraits; encompassing the style of different artists


We have carefully planned the progression of art skills knowledge and vocabulary from EYFS to KS1 and KS2. See documents below

They take into account the Art Programmes of study. Art Programmes of Study

We work with local artists and hold various workshops- The Clayrooms is one of the local artists who joins us on a regular basis.

A masterclass in drawing; The Shrovetide Hug





Year 5 have been Studying the Artist Peter Thorpe

In Year 1 the children studied Van Gogh and recreated A Starry Night in his style.

Our Year 2 Pupils shared that during Pupil Voice "I've learnt to express my feelings through art"

"I've really enjoyed the painting today because it was quiet adn we could experiement with shades and tones and colour"