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Governor Information

The Governing Body comprises parents, teaching and non-teaching staff and co-opted representatives from the local community.  As a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School the school has Foundation Governors appointed by the local church and Diocese. The governors work in close partnership with the head teacher and staff to promote high standards of educational achievement.  The Full Governing Body, Resources and Education committees meet formally once a term.


The Chair of the Governing Body has recently become vacant and Peter Blundell Vice Chair will be acting up in this role for the duration of the Summer Term 2024, contact with whom can be made through the School. Parent Governors are elected by parents and can make representation on their behalf but they are not delegates and have no obligation to report back to parents as a body.



Pete Blundell  Chair of Governors
Bradley Redfern

Co-opted Governor

Janet Wright

Foundation Governor

SIAM's SMSC and British Values

Darren Archer

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors

Buildings Governor

Health and Safety

Sarah Higton

Co-opted Governor

Pupil Premium Governor

SEND Governor

Thomas Kidsley

Co-opted  Governor

GDPR Governor

Attendance Governor



Phil Lamb

Co-opted Governor

Safeguarding Governor

Health and Safety

Vee Moro

Co opted Governor

Reading Governor

Pete Blundell

Parent Governor

Chair of Governors

Mike Clayton

Parent Governor

Sports Lead Governor

Ryan Scott

Parent Governor

Health and Safety

Di Mansfield Staff Governor
Rebecca Wood Head teacher
  Ex Officio




Joanna Lofts is the Clerk to Governors. She can be contacted at